Thursday, May 6, 2010

Making Monsters, Part I

Our digital photography assignment this week involves blending an assortment of images to create an animal-human hybrid. Ordinarily, I put off my ART140 homework until roughly 10pm on Monday (it's due Tuesday at 9), but this week I'm like an original metaphor for a thing that's fillable, filled to the brim with an original metaphor for inspiration! I've snapped 75 of the required 50 photographs already, and I'm not even a third of the way to capturing all the bits and pieces I see in my head. I'm doing a sort of "Sirens of the Willamette" thing- strange clockwork mer-children grown to adulthood in the highly toxic waters of the river. I know I want rust and gears and scales, tentacles and tubing... reds and blacks and shiny, serpentine metallics.

Thus I spent ten minutes photographing a dessicated frog corpse. For the rib cage- I'll edit the guts out later.


  1. This sounds like fun. Hope we get to see the final result.

  2. Fffff! ::bites knuckle:: WANT! Want want WANT!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great merciful crap. Seems like your assignments just took a flailing left turn and head into deep left field like a jonesing crack-head. One week you're taking awkward portraits of your friends on swing at a church play ground, the next you're splicing together shots of rusty gears and mutilated frogs to Frankenstein (yes it can be a verb) your own mutant Northwestern Mer-folk.....
