Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bonfire, Rekindled

As those of you who frequent this blog are no doubt aware, Bonfire has been M.I.A. for almost a month now. I'd intended to spruce up the not-so-junky bits of it and transfer them to a registered domain name, with the view to building some sort of semiprofessional web presence. Unexpectedly, though, I've found I miss it- there's a great deal to be said for an outlet in which you feel no pressure to be "good"- and thus, I'm resurrecting it, all phoenix-style and shit.

In the spirit of my new resolution to revel in the less than perfect, I offer you a quick character sketch from an upcoming roleplaying game (, in which I play a supervillain named Malignant C. who acquired her powers through chainsmoking alien-irradiated cigarettes. A girl can dream, right?!?

It's a seam. Don't be dirty.


  1. Nathan says, "Hey she did her blog up again!" in a pleased voice. I say, "Ow my friggin' clavicle hurts from typing. But also yay."
